Monday, 27 December 2010


All that fuss and palava and it's over so quickly, It's just the one day now isn't it? I can remember a time when we had the two full days for Christmas, boxing day was just like the big day again, with another lovely roast and perhaps visitors or visits and/or games for entertainment. Hardly any vehicles on the roads as well. Nowadays, boxing day means packed roads and shopping centres - Christmas is over and it's queues for the sales, I'm not in them though - I'm a grumpy old git!

OKay fm was unfortunately off air (line) from late Christmas eve to midday today (Monday) due to a remote systems error that was beyond our control. There was no technician available to fix it - understandably. These things happen from time to time regrettably and I would ask you to please accept our apologies. I was very annoyed because we re-capped the mixing board PSU last week with minimal disruption to service and I love listening to the weekend music.